ThermokSolar front and back views
[1024x507] [2119x1050]
ThermokSolar front and back views
Viewed: 4547 times.

[1024x975] [1089x1037]
Viewed: 6672 times.

ThermokSolar back of board view.
[1024x977] [2988x2852]
ThermokSolar back of board view.
Viewed: 4105 times.

ThermokSolar angled back of board view.
[1024x872] [3130x2665]
ThermokSolar angled back of board view.
Viewed: 4321 times.

ThermokSolar Starter Package
[1024x468] [4019x1838]
ThermokSolar Starter Package
Viewed: 9455 times.

APRS5510 LiPo+ battery for ThermokSolar
APRS5510 LiPo+ battery for ThermokSolar
Viewed: 5376 times.

ThermokSolar Hot Water Diagram
ThermokSolar Hot Water Diagram
Viewed: 4170 times.

ThermokSolar Hot Air Diagram
ThermokSolar Hot Air Diagram
Viewed: 4671 times.

Sample Screen Shot from APRS World's WorldData Service
[697x1024] [775x1138]
Sample Screen Shot from APRS World's WorldData Service
Viewed: 9797 times.

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